GLOBALIFE: Working papers
Blossfeld, Hans-Peter (1999): GLOBALIFE: Working papers, Bamberg: Univ.
Project Office: Hans-Peter Blossfeld
Volume Number/Title:
1. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter: Bildung, Arbeit und soziale Ungleichheit im Globalisierungsprozess - Einige theoretische Überlegungen zu offenen Forschungsfragen. - 1999. - (1 zip-Datei)
2. Steinhage, Nikolei; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter: Zur Problematik von Querschnittsdaten - Methodisch-statistische Beschränkungen von Querschnittsstudien bei der empirischen Überprüfung von Theorien. - 1999. - (1 zip-Datei)
3. Steinhage, Nikolei: Zeitaggregation und Ereignisdaten - Eine Simulation zu den Auswirkungen der Prozesszeitskalierung. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
4. Simó Noguera, Carles; Golsch, Katrin: The transition to motherhood under the globalization process - An attempt to study the consequences of the globalization process in the transition to motherhood by means of rational choice models. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
5. Golsch, Katrin; Simó Noguera, Carles: Data preparation for the purpose of the Globalife project using fertility and family survey data. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
6. Nazio, Tiziana; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter: The diffusion of cohabitation among young women in West Germany, East Germany and Italy. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
7. Bernardi, Fabrizio: Globalization, recommodification and social inequality: changing patterns of early careers in Italy. - 2000. - (1 zip- Datei)
8. Simó Noguera, Carles; Golsch, Katrin; Steinhage, Nikolei: Entry into first parenthood in Spain and the process of globalization. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
9. Sommer, Thorsten; Klijzing, Erik; Mills, Melinda: Partnership formation in a globalizing world: the impact of uncertainty in east and west Germany. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
10. Bernardi, Fabrizio: Educational performance and educational returns at entry into the Italian labor market. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
11. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter: Globalization, social inequality, and the role of country-specific institutions - Open research questions in a learning society. - 2000. - (1 zip-Datei)
12. Klijzing, Erik: Globalization and the changing role of education in the process of entry into the labour market: A cross- national comparison of five countries. - 2000. - ( 1 zip-Datei)
13 . Klijzing, Erik; Cairns, Helen: On the quality of FFS event history data: Of critical importance in life course research. - 2000. - (1 zip- Datei)
14. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter; Mills, Melinda: A causal approach to interrelated family events: A cross-national comparison of cohabitation, nonmarital conception, and marriage. - 2001. - (1 zip- Datei)
15. Kurz, Karin; Steinhage, Nikolei: Global competition and labor market restructuring: The transition into the labor market in Germany. - 2001. - (1 zip-Datei)
16. Kurz, Karin; Steinhage, Nikolei; Golsch, Katrin: Case study Germany: Global competition, uncertainty and the transition to adulthood. - 2001. - (1 zip-Datei)
17. Golsch, Katrin: Transition to adulthood in Great Britain and the process of globalization. - 2001. - (1 zip-Datei)
18. Simó Noguera, Carles; Castro Martín, Teresa; Soro Bonmatí, Asunción: Changing pathways in the transition to adulthood in Spain: Labor market, marriage and fertility patterns of young people in the last decades. - 2001. - (1 zip-Datei)
19. Bernardi, Fabrizio; Nazio, Tiziana: Globalization and the transition to adulthood in Italy. - 2001. - (1 zip-Datei)
20. Mills, Melinda: The transition to adulthood in Canada: The impact of irregular work shifts in a 24-hour economy. - 2001. - (1 zip-Datei)
21. Layte, Richard; O'Connell, Philip J.; Fahey, Tony; McCoy, Selina: Ireland and economic globalization: The experiences of a small open economy. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
22. Liefbroer, Aart C.: Transition from youth to adulthood in The Netherlands. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
23. Parrado, Emilio A.: Globalization and the transition to adulthood in Mexico. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
24. Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Sakkeus, Luule: Transition to adulthood in Estonia: Evidence from the FFS. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
25. Bygren, Magnus; Duvander, Ann-Zofie; Hultin, Mia: Elements of uncertainty in life courses: Transitions to adulthood in Sweden. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
26. King, Rosalind Berkowitz: Globalization and the transition to adulthood in an individualistic regime: The case of American women. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
27. Róbert, Péter; Bukodi, Erzsébet: The effects of the globalization process on the transition to adulthood in Hungary. - 2002. - (1 zip- Datei)
28. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter; Huinink, Johannes: Lebensverlaufsforschung als sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsperspektive: Themen, Konzepte, Methoden und Probleme. - 2002. - (1 zip- Datei)
29. Nilsen, Oivind Anti: Transitions to adulthood in Norway. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
30. Simó Noguera, Carles; Soro Bonmatí, Asunción: Early careers of young people in Spain: new evidence from the FFS and EPA. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
31. Lankuttis, Teresa; Blossfeld, Hans- Peter: Determinanten der Wiederheirat nach der ersten Scheidung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
32. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter; Müller, Rolf: Union disruption in comparative perspective: The role of assortative partner choice and careers of couples. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
33. Klijzing, Erik: Globalization and the early life course: A description of selected economic and demographic trends. - 2002. - (1 zip- Datei)
34. Kurz, Karin; Hillmert, Steffen; Grunow, Daniela: Increasing instability in employment careers? Men's job mobility and unemployment in West Germany: A comparison of the birth cohorts 1940, 1955 and 1964. - 2002. - (1 zip- Datei)
35. Simó Noguera, Carles; Golsch, Katrin; Bonmatí, Asunción Soro: Globalization and occupational mobility in adult male job careers in Spain. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
36. Golsch, Katrin: Globalization, labor market flexibility and job insecurity: A tale on Britain. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
37. Korpi, Tomas; Tahlin, Michael: The impact of globalization on labor market mobility in Sweden. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
38. Bukodi, Erzsébet; Róbert, Péter: Men's career mobility in Hungary during the 1990s. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
39. Saar, Ellu; Helemäe, Jelena: Employment careers of men in Estonia. - 2002. - (1 zip-Datei)
40. Parrado, Emilio A.: Globalization and Labor Market Mobility over the Life Course of Men: The Case of Mexico. - 2003. - (1 zip- Datei)
41. Parrado, Emilio A.: Labor force dynamics and occupational attainment across three cohorts of women in urban Mexico. - 2003. - (1 pdf- Datei)
42. Hofmeister, Heather; Hamplová, Dana: Is Education the Same Kind of Ticket to Upward Job Mobility for Women in the Czech Republic and the United States? - 2003
43. Grunow , Daniela; Hofmeister, Heather; Buchholz, Sandra: Rising Uncertainty and the Erosion of the Male Breadwinner Family? Comparing the Implications of Globalization for Women's Employment in (West) Germany and the U.S. - 2003
44. Lück, Detlev: Social Inequality and Social Justice: Do Modern Societies Accept More Differences? - 2003
45. Hofmeister, Heather; Mills, Melinda; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter: Globalization, Uncertainty and Women's Mid-Career Life Cours es: A Theoretical Framework. - 2003. - (1 pdf-Datei)
46. Hamplová, Dana: Women and the Labor Market in the Czech Republic: Transition from Socialist to Social Democratic Regime? - 2003. - (1 pdf-Datei)
47. Buchholz, Sandra; Grunow, Daniela: Globalization and Women's Employment in West Germany. - 2003. - (1 pdf-Datei)
48. Helemae, Jelena; Saar, Ellu: Women's Employment in Estonia. - 2003. - (1 zip-Datei)
49. Hofäcker, Dirk: Towards a Dual Earner Model? European Family Policies in Comparison. - 2003. - (1 pdf-Datei)
50. Kalmijn, Matthijs; Luijkx, Ruud: Changes in Women's Employment and Occupational Mobility in the Netherlands between 1955 and 2000. - 2003. - (1 pdf-Datei)
51. Korpi, Thomas; Stern, Charlotta: Women's employment in Sweden: Globalization, Deindustrialization, and the Labor Market Experiences of Swedish Women 1950 - 2000. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
52. Grunow, Daniela; Soerensen, Soeren Leth: Women's Employment in Denmark. - 2004
53. Bukodi, Erzsébet; Róbert, Péter: Women's Career Mobility in Hungary. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
54. Golsch, Katrin: The Process of Globalization and Women's Careers in Britain. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
55. Mills, Melinda; RaoSahib, Padma: Globalization, Flexibility and the Feminized Labor Market: Women's Intragenerational Job Mobility in Canada. - 2004
56. Hofmeister, Heather: Women's employment in the United States. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
57. Pisati, Maurizio; Schizzerotto, Antonio: Mid- Career Women in Contemporary Italy. - 2003. - (1 pdf- Datei)
58. Simó Noguera, Carles: Spanish women trapped by a hard election. Are they able to reconcile job and family? - 2004. - (1 pdf- Datei)
59. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter; Hofmeister, Heather: Mid-Career Women in Uncertain Times: Findings and Conclusions. - 2004
60. Lück, Detlev; Hofäcker, Dirk: Rejection and Acceptance of the Male Breadwinner Model: Which Preferences do Women Have under Which Circumstances? - 2003. - (1 pdf-Datei)
61. Grunow, Daniela; Hofmeister, Heather; Buchholz, Sandra: Late 20th century persistence and decline of the female homemaker in Germany and the United States. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
62. Buchholz, Sandra; Hofäcker, Dirk: Late Careers and Career Exits in Times of Accelerating Social Change: Globalization And Its Impact on Late-Midlife Workers. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
63. Buchholz, Sandra: Men's Late Careers and Career Exits in West Germany. - 2004. - (1 zip-Datei)
64. Hillmert, Steffen; Jacob, Marita: Multiple episodes: training careers in a learning society. - 2004. - (1 zip-Datei)
65. Hamplová, Dana: From a Socialist to a Market Economy: The Changing Labor Market and Marital Behavior in the Czech Republic in the 1990s. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
66. Hofäcker, Dirk: Differing welfare regimes: Decomposing Patterns of Female Employment in International Comparison. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
67. Lück, Detlev: Cross-national comparison of gender role attitudes and their impact on women's life courses. - 2005. - (1 pdf-Datei)
68. Plomien, Ania: From Socialism to Capitalism: Women and their Changed Relationship with the Labor Market in Poland. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
69. Grunow, Daniela; Leth-Sørensen, Søren: Mobility of men in the Danish labor market. - 2004. - (1 pdf-Datei)
70. Hofäcker, Dirk: Late careers and career exits : an international comparison of trends and institutional background patterns / Dirk Hofäcker and Stepánka Pollnerová. - 2005. - (1 pdf-Datei)
72. Lindquist, Gabriella Sjögren: Late careers and career exits in Sweden. - 2005. - (1 pdf- Datei)
73. Hamplová, Dana: Employment exits of older workers in the Czech Republic / Dana Hamplová and Stepánka Pollnerová. - 2005. - (1 pdf-Datei )
74. Täht, Kadri: Late careers and career exits in Estonia / Kadri Täht and Ellu Saar. - 2005. - (1 pdf-Datei)
75. Bukodi, Erszebeth: Late careers and career exits in Hungary / Erszebeth Bukodi and Peter Robert. - 2005. - (1 pdf- Datei)
77. Henkens, Kène: Labor market exits of older men in the Netherlands: An analysis of survey data 1979-1999 / Kène Henkens and Matthijs Kalmijn. - 2005. - (1 pdf-Datei)
Publisher Information:
Year of publication:
Auch als Veröff. im Internet: Bamberg University /Department ofSociology / Chair of Sociology I / Globalife ; URL:http://www.uni-bamberg.de/sowi/soziologie-i/globalife/workingpapers/index.html. -Früher erschienen: Universität Bielefeld, Fakultätfür Soziologie
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Activation date:
July 13, 2015