Journal for Labour Market Research
Hinz, Thomas; Riphahn, Regina; Trappmann, Mark; u. a. (Hrsg.) (2013): Journal for Labour Market Research, Heidelberg: Springer.
1614-3485; 1867-8343
Corporate Body:
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
Publisher Information:
Year of publication:
4, Special Issue PASS
In 2006 the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) set up a new household panel survey in Germany: the PASS panel (Panel 'Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung'). Its main purpose was to create a new database for research into German Social Code II and the benefit provided under this legal framework, the unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II).
It now seemed about time to devote a special issue of the Journal for Labour Market Research to research based on PASS and bundle some of the latest results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Thomas Hinz, Regina Riphahn, Mark Trappmann, Joachim Wolff: Editorial (273-274)
Mark Trappmann, Jonas Beste, Arne Bethmann, Gerrit Müller: The PASS panel survey after six waves (275-281)
Martin Abraham, Katrin Auspurg, Sebastian Bähr, Corinna Frodermann, Stefanie Gundert, Thomas Hinz: Unemployment and willingness to accept job offers: results of a factorial survey experiment (283-305)
Arne Bethmann: Occupational change and status mobility (307-319)
Andreas Damelang, Georgi Kloß: Poverty and the social participation of young people - an analysis of poverty-related withdrawal mechanisms (321-333)
Thomas Gurr, Monika Jungbauer-Gans: Stigma consciousness among the unemployed and prejudices against them: development of two scales for the 7th wave of the panel study “Labour Market and Social Security (PASS)” (335-351)
It now seemed about time to devote a special issue of the Journal for Labour Market Research to research based on PASS and bundle some of the latest results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Thomas Hinz, Regina Riphahn, Mark Trappmann, Joachim Wolff: Editorial (273-274)
Mark Trappmann, Jonas Beste, Arne Bethmann, Gerrit Müller: The PASS panel survey after six waves (275-281)
Martin Abraham, Katrin Auspurg, Sebastian Bähr, Corinna Frodermann, Stefanie Gundert, Thomas Hinz: Unemployment and willingness to accept job offers: results of a factorial survey experiment (283-305)
Arne Bethmann: Occupational change and status mobility (307-319)
Andreas Damelang, Georgi Kloß: Poverty and the social participation of young people - an analysis of poverty-related withdrawal mechanisms (321-333)
Thomas Gurr, Monika Jungbauer-Gans: Stigma consciousness among the unemployed and prejudices against them: development of two scales for the 7th wave of the panel study “Labour Market and Social Security (PASS)” (335-351)
Activation date:
November 26, 2014