António da Costa Peixoto’s "Obra nova de língua geral de Mina" (1731/1741) : A print- and online-edition of an unique historical document on the Ewe-Fon-legacy in Brazil
Märzhauser, Christina; Rodrigues-Moura, Enrique (2020): António da Costa Peixoto’s „Obra nova de língua geral de Mina“ (1731/1741) : A print- and online-edition of an unique historical document on the Ewe-Fon-legacy in Brazil, in: Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universität, doi: 10.20378/irb-48617.
Publisher Information:
Year of publication:
12. Juli 2018 – Dieses Poster wurde auch auf dem Mittelalterfest anlässich des 20-jährigen Bestehens des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien (ZEMAS, Universität Bamberg) in der Aula der Universität Bamberg präsentiert.
11. Juni 2018 – Dieses Poster wurde weiters auf der International Annual Conference ACBLPE (Association of Portuguese- and Spanish-Lexified Creoles – Associação de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola) angenommen und präsentiert, Ziguinchor, Senegal, 11.-14. Juni 2018.
11. Juni 2018 – Dieses Poster wurde weiters auf der International Annual Conference ACBLPE (Association of Portuguese- and Spanish-Lexified Creoles – Associação de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola) angenommen und präsentiert, Ziguinchor, Senegal, 11.-14. Juni 2018.
A critical edition of the original documents of António da Costa Peixoto’s Obra nova de língua geral de Mina, based on two handwritten originals, a shorter version from 1731 (BNP, Lisbon, 3052, F. 2355) and an extended version from 1741 (BPE, Évora, CXVI/1-14).
Peixoto’s glossary documents a variety of Ewe-Fon (Gbe sub-group of Kwa language family) spoken by slaves in the Brazilian gold mining town of Vila Rica in the 18th century. Peixoto called this variety língua geral de Mina. Presumably, it was a koiné version of Ewe-Fon varieties functioning as a local (resistance) vernacular among Africans in Brazil. The entries in Peixoto’s glossary have already been linked to modern Fon (Castro 2002) and will be compared to modern Ewe in the project. The glossary is one of only two known historical documents bearing witness to the vitality of an African language during colonial rule and slavery. As a unique source on 18th century Ewe-Fon varieties spoken in the African diaspora of slave communities in Brazil, it is an unparalleled and immensely valuable source document for comparative and diachronic linguistic research.
Peixoto’s glossary documents a variety of Ewe-Fon (Gbe sub-group of Kwa language family) spoken by slaves in the Brazilian gold mining town of Vila Rica in the 18th century. Peixoto called this variety língua geral de Mina. Presumably, it was a koiné version of Ewe-Fon varieties functioning as a local (resistance) vernacular among Africans in Brazil. The entries in Peixoto’s glossary have already been linked to modern Fon (Castro 2002) and will be compared to modern Ewe in the project. The glossary is one of only two known historical documents bearing witness to the vitality of an African language during colonial rule and slavery. As a unique source on 18th century Ewe-Fon varieties spoken in the African diaspora of slave communities in Brazil, it is an unparalleled and immensely valuable source document for comparative and diachronic linguistic research.
GND Keywords: ; ; ;
Minas Gerais
Antonio da Costa Peixoto; língua Gbe (Kwa); Minas Gerais: Ciclo do Ouro
DDC Classification:
RVK Classification:
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Open Access Journal:
Activation date:
September 25, 2020