The Effect of Coping Mechanisms on Technology Induced Stress: Towards a Conceptual Model
Weinert, Christoph; Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; u. a. (2013): „The Effect of Coping Mechanisms on Technology Induced Stress: Towards a Conceptual Model“. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL).
Title of the compilation:
Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago (IL)
Corporate Body:
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago (IL)
Publisher Information:
Year of publication:
Series ; Volume:
General Presentations ; 8
Information and communication technology induced stress, called technostress, influences users negatively. Numerous investigations are made about technostress; however, none consider the concept of coping in order to explain strategies to avoid these negative consequences. Therefore, this paper develops a theoretical model to explain the coping process and how it influences technostress. The model theorizes that threat and coping appraisal are major determinants of emotional- and problem-focused coping whereby coping resources and individual’s controllability influence the choice and the efficacy of coping. The resulting problem- or emotional-focused coping strategies are theorized to moderate the stressor-strain relationship such that negative consequences can be avoided. The theoretical model suggests a different perspective on the linear view on the relationship between stressors and strain by proposing the consideration of the moderation effect of coping.
Activation date:
April 16, 2014