GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) 2025
Existing situation
GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) 2025
Project leader
275000 €
Start date
January 1, 2022
End date
January 1, 2027
Research profile of the University of Bamberg
potential profile area
Superior project
GLOBE 2025
Globe 2025 operates under the title: "GLOBE 2025: Buffering the Suffering & Driving the Thriving in the New World of Work: A Study of How Societal Context Affects Capabilities, Jobs, Meaningfulness and Key Work-Life Outcomes around the Globe." In this fourth phase, the researchers aim to add insights into both “the great reckoning” in the world of work as well as into career outcomes around the world (including work-life outcomes) while also utilising GLOBE culture and leadership variables as societal level moderators. The researchers will target gathering human, social and positive psychological capital, job design, crafting, meaningfulness, engagement, career success, stress, burnout, loneliness, retention, thriving, well-being and other data from front-line workers, managers, and leaders from 130+ countries representing more than 90% of the world’s population and GDP, making this, as far as it is known, the largest careers study ever attempted. Why this study and why now? The reality is that employees and employers around the world are still facing many fundamental challenges in the workplace and many workers feeling social isolated, stressed, under-engaged and far from thriving with many in the throes of what has been alternatively referred to as the “great reassessment”, “great jobs reckoning”, “great resignation”, and sometimes even after switching to new jobs, the “great regret”.
Area of research
Global Leadership