Multi-CAST English (audio recordings)
Publisher Information:
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Year of publication:
This archive contains audio recordings for the Multi-CAST English corpus (Schiborr 2015), originally published in May 2015 with version 1505 of the Multi-CAST collection (Haig & Schnell 2015). The annotation and documentation files accompanying these files have been archived separately. The recordings are available as WAV and MP3 files.
The Multi-CAST English [sout3282] corpus contains auto-biographical narratives taken from the Freiburg English Dialect Corpus (FRED, English Dialects Research Group 2005), which has been compiled under the supervision of Bernd Kortmann and Lieselotte Anderwald at the University of Freiburg from texts recorded during the 1970s and 80s as part of various oral history projects.
The texts annotated for Multi-CAST were recorded with older working-class speakers from southern and southeastern England. They depict everyday scenes and personal experiences from the speakers' lives: recurring topics include agriculture, animal husbandry, shipwrighting, work in the London docks, and the two World Wars.
The recordings in the Multi-CAST English corpus are part of the public domain.
Schiborr, Nils N. 2015. Multi-CAST English. In Haig, Geoffrey & Schnell, Stefan (eds.), Multi-CAST: Multilingual corpus of annotated spoken texts. [version of the annotations used]. Bamberg: University of Bamberg.
English Dialects Research Group. 2005. Freiburg English Dialect Corpus (FRED). (fred.ub.uni-freiburg.de/)
Haig, Geoffrey & Schnell, Stefan (eds.). 2015. Multi-CAST: Multilingual corpus of annotated spoken texts. [version]. Bamberg: University of Bamberg.
The Multi-CAST English [sout3282] corpus contains auto-biographical narratives taken from the Freiburg English Dialect Corpus (FRED, English Dialects Research Group 2005), which has been compiled under the supervision of Bernd Kortmann and Lieselotte Anderwald at the University of Freiburg from texts recorded during the 1970s and 80s as part of various oral history projects.
The texts annotated for Multi-CAST were recorded with older working-class speakers from southern and southeastern England. They depict everyday scenes and personal experiences from the speakers' lives: recurring topics include agriculture, animal husbandry, shipwrighting, work in the London docks, and the two World Wars.
The recordings in the Multi-CAST English corpus are part of the public domain.
Schiborr, Nils N. 2015. Multi-CAST English. In Haig, Geoffrey & Schnell, Stefan (eds.), Multi-CAST: Multilingual corpus of annotated spoken texts. [version of the annotations used]. Bamberg: University of Bamberg.
English Dialects Research Group. 2005. Freiburg English Dialect Corpus (FRED). (fred.ub.uni-freiburg.de/)
Haig, Geoffrey & Schnell, Stefan (eds.). 2015. Multi-CAST: Multilingual corpus of annotated spoken texts. [version]. Bamberg: University of Bamberg.
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spoken language corpus
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