Raum- und Materiallotse: Interview Materials and Transcripts
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Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
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As part of the federal programme "Model Projects Smart Cities", the City of Bamberg organized several events to get ideas and requirements for potential applications.
During the think tank "Ideenschmiede" organised by the city of Bamberg in autumn 2021, citizens contributed the project idea "Raumlotse". Their vision was to create an open-source platform supporting cultural creators in Bamberg to find suitable event spaces. Places usually unused in the evenings or vacant buildings available for temporary use should be entered on the platform. Cultural creators should be able to use the platform to book venues. To make the venues accessible to the users, the idea of implementing a Smart Lock system was discussed during the think tank. In March 2023, when the interview process documented here was already completed, the City of Bamberg published a strategy paper listing the sub-project "Raum- und Materiallotse" as planned, pending the availability of funds.
The master thesis project, in which the following materials, transcripts and notes were produced, further developed this project idea and made suggestions for its implementation. This document provides the full transcripts of the interviews.
During the think tank "Ideenschmiede" organised by the city of Bamberg in autumn 2021, citizens contributed the project idea "Raumlotse". Their vision was to create an open-source platform supporting cultural creators in Bamberg to find suitable event spaces. Places usually unused in the evenings or vacant buildings available for temporary use should be entered on the platform. Cultural creators should be able to use the platform to book venues. To make the venues accessible to the users, the idea of implementing a Smart Lock system was discussed during the think tank. In March 2023, when the interview process documented here was already completed, the City of Bamberg published a strategy paper listing the sub-project "Raum- und Materiallotse" as planned, pending the availability of funds.
The master thesis project, in which the following materials, transcripts and notes were produced, further developed this project idea and made suggestions for its implementation. This document provides the full transcripts of the interviews.
Keywords: ;
Smart Community
Event Planning Platform
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