How to Measure Shared Understanding among Business and IT
Jentsch, Christian; Beimborn, Daniel; Jungnickl, Christoph; u. a. (2014): How to Measure Shared Understanding among Business and IT, in: Academy of Management Annual Meeting : Best Paper Proceedings, Briarcliff Manor, NY, S. 1613.
Title of the compilation:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting : Best Paper Proceedings
Corporate Body:
Academy of Management Conference 2014, Philadelphia (PA)
Publisher Information:
Year of publication:
A high level of shared understanding between business and IT is a critical success factor for effective IT usage in organizations. Hence, many studies in the Information Systems field have included shared business/IT understanding as a determinant in their research models. Most studies use a very compact instrument, measuring, typically, a one-dimensional construct that only addresses single facets of the overall concept. While most of these studies fulfill statistical validation requirements, content validity of the construct is seldom addressed. In this paper, we propose that more cognitive methods are needed to develop measures for complex constructs like shared understanding. The goal of our study is the development of a content validity proven survey instrument that measures the degree of shared business/IT understanding in a multi-faceted manner. In this paper, we adopt an innovative method of content validation by comparing survey results with data from a cognitive measurement approach (Repertory Grid Technique). We provide results from two studies: one experiment with students and a pilot field study with practitioners. After further refinements, the resulting instrument can support research on shared business/IT understanding and practitioners who aim at monitoring the relationship between business and IT units in their organizations.
Activation date:
November 26, 2014