Is There a Self-Regulated Learning Model in East Asian Educational Systems? : a Cross-Sectional Study Based on PISA 2012
Wu, Yi-Jhen (2019): Is There a Self-Regulated Learning Model in East Asian Educational Systems? : a Cross-Sectional Study Based on PISA 2012, Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universität, doi: 10.20378/irb-46617.
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Supervisor: ;
Hartig, Johannes
Kumulative Dissertation, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2019
The common stereotype of East Asian learning behavior is that East Asian student use memorization extensively, which is called rote-learning behavior. However, East Asian students' performance has been consistently ranked at the top on international large-scale assessments such as Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Such striking performance is unlikely to be attributable to rote-learning behavior. In this dissertation, we aimed to disentangle East Asian students' learning behavior by drawing on PISA 2012 with the following aims: (1) the frequency of use of memorization among East Asian students, (2) the relationships between learning strategies and mathematics performance, (3) the relationships between self-efficacy and learning strategies, (4) the relationships between intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and learning strategies.
To investigate the frequency of use of memorization, latent class analysis (LCA) were fitted to seven East Asian educational systems (i.e. Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Shanghai of China, Singapore, and Taiwan) as well as the comparisons of the use of memorization across cultures, namely Taiwan and America by using the multiple-group LCA. This showed that East Asian students reported more control strategies, yet less memorization; only a few Taiwanese students (5%) reported memorization and more American students (19%) reported memorization compared to Taiwanese students.
Examining other factors, performance, self-efficacy, and motivation, related to learning strategies, showed that when East Asian students have lower performance, lower self-efficacy or lower motivation, they tend to report the use of memorization. In contrast, when students had higher performance, higher self-efficacy or higher motivation, they were likely to report control strategies.
In sum, we examined different angles to understand East Asian students' learning behavior by using PISA 2012 within a self-regulated learning framework. It is worth noting that the serotype of East Asian learning behavior was challenged. Moreover, it seemed that East Asian students' self-regulated learning behavior was in line with the self-regulated learning theory (SRL). Implications of these findings are discussed.
To investigate the frequency of use of memorization, latent class analysis (LCA) were fitted to seven East Asian educational systems (i.e. Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Shanghai of China, Singapore, and Taiwan) as well as the comparisons of the use of memorization across cultures, namely Taiwan and America by using the multiple-group LCA. This showed that East Asian students reported more control strategies, yet less memorization; only a few Taiwanese students (5%) reported memorization and more American students (19%) reported memorization compared to Taiwanese students.
Examining other factors, performance, self-efficacy, and motivation, related to learning strategies, showed that when East Asian students have lower performance, lower self-efficacy or lower motivation, they tend to report the use of memorization. In contrast, when students had higher performance, higher self-efficacy or higher motivation, they were likely to report control strategies.
In sum, we examined different angles to understand East Asian students' learning behavior by using PISA 2012 within a self-regulated learning framework. It is worth noting that the serotype of East Asian learning behavior was challenged. Moreover, it seemed that East Asian students' self-regulated learning behavior was in line with the self-regulated learning theory (SRL). Implications of these findings are discussed.
GND Keywords: ; ; ; ; ;
Learning Strategies, Self-efficacy, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, LCA, PISA
DDC Classification:
Activation date:
December 20, 2019