Franz, SebastianSebastianFranz0000-0002-9425-4196Schindler, SteffenSteffenSchindler0000-0002-3999-46182024-12-092024-12-0920240883-03551873-538X study examines non-completion events among over 5,500 teacher education students in Germany and their paths after non-completion. Most students switch programs within teacher education or to a non-teaching program after leaving. Fewer students enter the labor market or vocational training. We use discrete-time survival analyses to study predictors of higher education dropout and study program switch. A match of self-perception and future goals with the teacher education program decreases the likelihood of switching the program or dropping out. Perceived academic performance and the match between performance goals and actual performance are exclusively predictive of the decision to drop out.engNon-completionDropoutSwitchTeacher educationIntegrationMotivation370Non-completion of teacher education students : Educational and occupational pathways of persons who withdraw from a teacher education program in Germanyarticle10.1016/j.ijer.2024.102463