Yele, Marceline L.Marceline L.Yele2024-02-052024-02-052023978-3-86309-963-3 purpose of this paper is to examine the postcolonial feminist Biblical Hermeneutics of Alice Yafeh-Deigh. It is motivated by the writing project goals of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, which seeks to highlight the contribution of African Women theologians to scholarly discussions on African Liberation theologies. The paper thus seeks to interrogate the context underlying the works of Yafeh-Deigh, and her contribution to scholarship. Using a feminist analytical approach, this paper examines her methodology and engagements with other scholars in her area of specialty. The approaches she uses suggests that the Cameroonian-born feminist theologian applies a cultural study through liberation postcolonial approaches, to address the male-centred methods in biblical interpretations that marginalize women’s experiences. Through these approaches, Yafeh-Deigh exposes epistemological foundations that seek to place women in a category that do not reflect their experiences. This paper submits that her scholarship needs to be celebrated for its great contribution to biblical interpretation and the critique of patriarchal domination of women. Hinging on the contextual realities of Bamessing women, she advocates for a method to interpret scriptures, that enables the intersection between culture and scriptures to be addressed. This paper discusses Yafeh-Deigh’s feminist paradigm, which does not only critisize inculturation, but deviates from androcentric methodologies. It notes that her greatest contribution is the liberative aspect of her hermeneutics, seen where scriptures that seem to put women down become liberative and empowering.engpostcolonialfeministBiblical HermeneuticsCameroonBamessingwomen’s experiencesandrocentrismpatriarchal dominationThe Postcolonial Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics of Alice Yafeh-Deighbookpart