Eismann, KathrinKathrinEismann0000-0001-5925-7271Aiello, Luca MariaCherifi, ChantalCherifi, HocineLambiotte, RenaudLió, PietroRocha, Luis M.2019-09-192018-12-062019https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/44932How do the rules of interaction influence consensus formation in a social network? In this paper, I analyse procedural influence – a construct that is well-established within the group decision-making research tradition – in the context of networked consensus formation. I argue that interaction procedures regulate the flow of social influence among actors, which, in turn, potentially affects collective outcomes. Based on this, I explain how procedural influence can be integrated into a formal model of social influence. I then utilise an agent-based simulation (ABS) to quantify the effects of three exemplary interaction rules on the formation of consensus in a social network. My findings indicate that applying these rules to regulate interactions has mixed effects on the overall consensus outcomes, but consistently negative effects on the efficiency of consensus formation.engsocial networksocial influenceconsensus formationbelief dynamicsprocedural influenceProcedural Influence on Consensus Formation in Social Networksconferenceobject10.1007/978-3-030-05414-4_23