Dornicheva, DariaDariaDornichevaBirzer, SandraSandraBirzer0000-0003-4167-98252023-10-042023-10-042023 times of all-encompassing digitization, where learners have constant access to authentic language material through their presence on the Internet, the question arises as to how to move this material from the periphery of the learning process to the center. Such a shift raises a variety of problems for teachers in two ways: technically and content-wise. This paper deals with the search for and adaptation of authentic texts, videos, and audio and visual materials for teaching Russian at universities. It offers search assistance in a Russian media landscape that has changed after February 24, 2022, and shows possible solutions to the difficulties associated with converting authentic sources into learning materials that can be used in heterogeneous groups of learners consisting of foreign language learners and heritage language speakers.deuauthentische QuellenRussischunterrichtaudiovisuelle Quellenauthentische TexteHerkunftssprecher*innenheterogene Sprachlerner*innengruppenLernmaterialienRussische MedienlandschaftRusslands Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine490Authentische Quellen im Russischunterricht : vom Rohstoff zum Lernmaterial ; eine Handreichung für Lehrendepreprinturn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-909575