Staake, ThorstenThorstenStaakeMichahelles, FlorianFlorianMichahellesFleisch, ElgarElgarFleisch2019-09-192014-04-2320089780511541155 industries including aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and perishables, as covered in the preceding chapters, counterfeit trade has developed into a severe problem. While established security features such as holograms, micro printings, and chemical markers do not seem to efficiently avert trade in illicit imitation products, RFID technology, with its potential to automate product authentications, may become a powerful tool to enhance brand and product protection. The following contribution aims at structuring the requirement definition for such a system by providing a non-formal attack model, and outlines several principal approaches to RFID-based solutions.engThe application of RFID as anti-counterfeiting technique : issues and opportunitiesbookpart