Kolb, StefanStefanKolbLenhard, JörgJörgLenhardWirtz, GuidoGuidoWirtz0000-0002-0438-84822019-09-192013-02-142012https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/837Service orchestrations are a powerful tool for implementing intra– and interorganizational business processes that base on services. Several heterogeneous orchestration languages can be found in contemporary IT landscapes. While the Web Services Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is the de facto standard, others gain attention, including Windows Workflow (WF) in the .NET segment. When integrating orchestrations, incompatibilities between them can easily arise. In this paper, we investigate an automated Petri net–based integration between BPEL and WF to solve these issues with behavioral adapter services. We provide a mapping of WF to Open Workflow Nets (oWFNs) and implement it in a compiler. Thereby, we integrate our approach with existing approaches for BPEL and adapter synthesis and validate the integration with a standards–based case study using the two languages.engOrchestrationWFBPELAdapterPetri NetsBridging the Heterogeneity of Orchestrations – A Petri Net–based Integration of BPEL and Windows Workflowconferenceobjecthttp://www.uni-bamberg.de/fileadmin/uni/fakultaeten/wiai_lehrstuehle/praktische_informatik/Dateien/Publikationen/SOCA12BridgingHeterogeneity.pdf