Hoffjann, OlafOlafHoffjann0000-0002-4049-45812019-09-192019-07-1720182046-147Xhttps://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/45825This article focusses on the issue of how players in strategic communication situations deal with apparently hopeless situations. The theory is that players in such situations sometimes engage in strategic communication play. Essentially, what strategic communication plays do, is help to continue communication. This article develops a theoretical concept of strategic communication. It is shown that strategic communication plays are found both in direct interpersonal communication and in communication via the mass media. Pursuant to the communication sociological approach, the theoretical basis is a differentiated and paradoxical definition of play, following Bateson (1956, 2000), embedded in Goffman’s frame analysis (1974). On this basis, two functions of strategic communication play are identified. These are: on the one hand, expanding the sphere of possibilities and, on the other, by means of self-reference, the likelihood of increasing attributions of likability and trustworthiness.engPlayThe role of play in strategic communicationarticle10.1177/2046147X17744833