Kempgen, SebastianSebastianKempgen0000-0002-2534-94232019-09-192018-04-192018 paper gives a report of a recent project (2015): to create virtual 3D models of the two columns inside the church of the monastery Sveti Naum, Macedonia. The columms are known to feature various inscriptions, and the article presents one additional inscription which was found during the scanning of the columns. The project was made possible through a cooperation with the University of Bitola (UKLO).deuSlavische Sprachwissenschaft, Digital Humanities, Inschriften, Epigraphik, Laser-Scan, Makedonien, Sveti Naum490Die Säulen in der Klosterkirche von Sveti Naum : Ein Projektbericht zur Digitalisierung des sprachlichen Kulturerbes in Makedonienarticleurn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus4-515744