Kaunda, Mutale MulengaMutale MulengaKaunda2024-07-232024-07-232024978-3-98989-000-8https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/96488This chapter reflects on some of the distinct key metaphors and concepts that Musa Dube espouses in her African postcolonial feminist thinking and how these contribute to African women’s liberation theologies. Intentionally focusing on two key concepts/metaphors in Dube’s postcolonial feminist theologies, this chapter affirms Dube’s African women’s postcolonial theologizing using a decolonial lens. The chapter draws on how Dube’ advances further, and employs these concepts/metaphors as tools of analyzing biblical texts. Dube recognizes the potential of the bible having death dealing forces in Africa if not interpreted critically, especially for women and she uses apt concepts/metaphors as alternative ways of reading the bible for fullness of life.engPostcolonialFeministGenderCultureBibleMusa DubeTalitha Cum230“Other Ways of Reading” : Musa W. Dube and Postcolonial Feminist Reading of the Biblebookpart