Artelt, CordulaCordulaArtelt0000-0001-7790-2502Wolter, IlkaIlkaWolter0000-0003-0421-2871Thums, KathrinKathrinThums2022-08-232022-08-232022 study aims at exploring gender differences in text-type-specific reading competences via readers’ gender-specific reading preferences. Women were expected to read more often for the sake of entertainment (entertainment preference), whereas men were expected to read more often to gain information (information preference). We further assumed that individuals who read for entertainment would have higher reading competence in fictional literary texts compared with non-fictional informational texts, and vice versa for individuals who read to gain information. The analysis was based on a sample of 830 adults between 19 and 71 years (M = 31.04; SD = 12.53) from a pilot study of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). A structural equation model confirmed that women and men show different reading preferences during leisure time. The preference to read for entertainment was predictive for reading competence in literary texts; however, the preference to read for information had positive effects on reading competence in both informational and literary texts.engReading competenceText-type-specific reading competencesGender differencesPreferences to readReading behavior150Reading for Entertainment or Information Reception? : Gender differences in Reading Preferences and their Impact on Text-Type-Specific Reading Competences in Adult Readersarticleurn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-551681