Annen, SilviaSilviaAnnenSailer-Frank, SabrinaSabrinaSailer-Frank0000-0002-2519-72122023-10-132023-10-132023 pandemic represented a crisis universities have never faced before. Agility and ephemerality of information flow as well as the changing pandemic situation forced universities to act flexible and to inform all relevant parties – students and employees. However, this process of information distribution varied significantly between European universities. Due to the different national pandemic situations as well as the different assets of universities, information distribution varied. Facing similar challenges, we identified different strategy types of communication and clustered them into different approaches. We differentiate four central types with alignments to Mintzberg & Lampel’s strategy types to light up the way for a more strategical approach towards information dissemination during critical situations in the future.engCommunication StrategiesStrategy TyesHigher EducationCrisis Management370Communication Strategies in Times of Crisis : qualitative Results from Swedish and German Universitiesconferenceobjecturn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-909164