Güngör, OnurOnurGüngörHonekamp, WilfriedWilfriedHonekamp2023-03-172023-03-172021978-3-86309-793-6978-3-86309-794-3https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/58426Mobile phones are becoming increasingly important for forensic investigations. Users generate a lot of data by playing mobile games. We tried to replicate the 2016 research that forensically extracted usage and location data from the Pokémon GO app's storage. In an experiment, the actions taken with the app were manually logged and compared with the data obtained from the logical and physical imaging of two cell phones. We found that while there is less information stored, usage and location data is still available for investigators to establish profiles.engComputer ForensicsMobile PhonesMovement ProfilesUsage ProfilesPokémon GO650Forensic determination of movement and usage profiles using smartphone appsconferenceobject