Lüders, PascalPascalLüdersWenig, JürgenJürgenWenigSodenkamp, MariyaMariyaSodenkamp2019-09-192016-12-282016978-3-85125-449-5https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/41498The increase of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have become important targets of EU initiatives (European Commission 2014). Emissions from personal vehicles are a key cause of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions with 90% of personal transport emissions being caused by private vehicles (Barkenbus 2010). Energy efficient driving techniques, or eco-driving, can realize energy savings up to 20% (Stillwater et al. 2012). Combined with behavioral approaches, which are increasingly being used by governments (Cabinet Office 2012), these techniques represent a promising way to increase energy efficiency in the transport sector. Yet, practical solutions which are based on scientific findings are scarce. Since mobile apps are versatile in their functionality, characterized by a short time to market and low costs, they can represent a solution. The research question therefore is: How can a mobile application contribute to energy-efficient driving?engenergy-efficient drivingeco-driving feedbackA Behavioral Approach to Energy-efficient Drivingbookparthttps://www.tugraz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Events/Eninnov2016/files/allg/EnInnov2016_Kurzfassungsband.pdf