Leder, JohannesJohannesLeder0000-0002-6413-4513Schütz, AstridAstridSchütz0000-0002-6358-167X2019-09-192018-08-142018978-3-319-28099-8https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/44292(2018), First Online: 04 July 2018The dictator game is an experimental paradigm in which one participant (the dictator) receives an endowment and then decides to what extent she/he wants to split this endowment with another, anonymous participant (the recipient). The action space of the dictator ranges from giving nothing to giving all of the endowment to the recipient. The dictator fully determines the final allocation as the recipient plays a passive role. After learning these rules, the dictator makes a decision. The endowment split, i.e., the pie size given to the recipient, is the dependent variable of the game.engDictator Gamebookpart10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_652-1