Unt, MargeMargeUntGebel, MichaelMichaelGebel0000-0002-8557-75082019-09-192019-01-212018978-9949-29-425-1https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/45152The latest issue of EXCEPT projects working paper series brings together the empirical results of the project in the six work packages carried out. After a short introduction to the main aims of the project, a short overview of the main results of each work-package is given as bullet-point list. This is followed by more in-depth synthesis of results of each work package in separate chapters. The working paper also provides the information about all publications published during the projects running time.engunemploymenttemporary employmentwell-beingpovertyautonomySynthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT projectworkingpaperhttp://www.except-project.eu/files/filemanager/files/WP57_Synthesis_of_the_main_empirical_findigs_of_EXCEPT_project.pdf