Dreyer, NicolasNicolasDreyer0000-0003-3620-41552022-04-272022-04-272022https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/53533Book review of Father Patrick Desbois, "In Broad Daylight: The Secret Procedures behind the Holocaust by Bullets." Moreshet, 19 (2022): 465-472. Father Desbois’ book In "Broad Daylight: The Secret Procedures behind the Holocaust by Bullets" is much more than a publication of enormous historical research on crimes committed by the local Eastern European population in aiding the German Shoah. In his work, Desbois ultimately pursues the question of what turns human beings, specifically neighbors, into willing cogs of an inhumane killing machinery. His research asks specific questions: they concern the roles these neighbors played in the Nazi genocide, the reasons that possibly made them collaborate or refuse collaboration with the Nazis, and the organization, routines, and schedules of an average execution day.engHolocaust; Shoah; "Holocaust by bullets"; Eastern Europe; occupied Soviet Union; Russia; Ukraine; Belarus; Nazi killing routines; collaboration; behavior of the local population and neighbors940Desbois, Patrick, In broad daylight: the secret procedures behind the Holocaust by bullets / Father Patrick Desbois, with a historical introduction by Andrej Umansky, translated from the French by Hilary Reyl and Calvert Barksdale. First paperback edition: New York, 2021reviewhttps://www.moreshet.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-535337