Gebel, MichaelMichaelGebel0000-0002-8557-7508Hofäcker, DirkDirkHofäckerJeliazkova, MariaMariaJeliazkovaSchadow, SinaSinaSchadowTäht, KadriKadriTähtUnt, MargeMargeUnt2019-09-192019-01-212018978-9949-29-426-8 aim of this working paper is to highlight unsolved issues and empirical data problems that were identified by the EXCEPT research consortium. Against this background new ideas for future research (including new data collections and ideas for policy evaluation) are presented that have been developed by the EXCEPT consortium.engunemploymenttemporary employmentwell-beingpovertyautonomyProposal for future research based on EXCEPT project.workingpaper