Ehrmann, DominicDominicEhrmann0000-0002-5794-5596Hermanns, NorbertNorbertHermanns0000-0002-2903-2677Heinemann, LutzLutzHeinemannFaber-Heinemann, GabrieleGabrieleFaber-HeinemannFreckmann, GuidoGuidoFreckmann2019-09-192018-08-032018 in: Diabetologia 60 (2017) Suppl.1 = 53rd EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Lisbon, Portugal, 11 – 15 September 2017, S335 (731)Hypoglycaemia has long been described as the main limiting factor in intensified insulin therapy. While mild hypoglycaemia can occur several times a week (or even day) and can be handled by the patient her/himself, severe hypoglycaemia, which require the help of others to recover, occur less frequently but are more dramatic for patients. To understand the impact of severe hypoglycaemia (SH) on patients, we analysed the psychological profile of people with type 1 diabetes who had experienced at least one episode of severe hypoglycaemia (SH: third party assistance for recovery) and compared it with patients without a recent SH episode.engPsychological Impact of Severe Hypoglycaemia on Fear of Hypoglycaemia and Diabetes-related Distress : Baseline Assessment in Participants of the HypoDE Studyconferenceobjecturn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus4-524155