Fuchs, ChristianChristianFuchsHeidenreich, AnjaAnjaHeidenreich0000-0002-8711-2819Schramm, PhilippPhilippSchrammNikzad, ZatollahZatollahNikzadSheibani, ZarrintajZarrintajSheibaniKorn, LorenzLorenzKorn0000-0001-7705-09012019-09-192018-11-2220181434-2758https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/44705The joint Iranian-German project at Golpaygan aimed at a thorough analysis of the Great Mosque of this city, with a special focus on earlier phases in the structural history of the building. The core of the Great Mosque consists of a dome chamber built in 1114-15 (Saljuq period), around which later parts have been added through several centuries. Two campaigns of an architectural survey and archaeological soundings were conducted in 2007 and 2008. In the campaign of 2007, the building was measured as a basis for exact plans. Close observation revealed details of the building which allow conclusions on the earlier history, particularly on the existence of a pre-Saljuq building, as well as on later phases in the re-shaping and in the use of the mosque. Five soundings, four of which were dug in the interior of the mosque, revealed further details of the construction of the Saljuq dome hall and the later additions. Besides, they yielded proof [sie erbrachten Belege/Beweise] of an earlier (‘pre-Saljuq’) mosque of hypostyle plan. The materials recovered from the soundings speak in favour of a continuous use of the mosque, however with phases of neglect, before the reconstruction of the building in the 19th century.engIran, Architecture, Saljuq, MosqueThe Great Mosque of Golpaygan. Report on the first campaign, 1385/2007article