Knappe, GabrieleGabrieleKnappe0000-0002-7464-92892019-09-192012-11-132012978-3-11-025159-3978-3-11-020220-5 order to establish a framework of reference for an approach to historical English phraseology, a brief discussion of the concept and scope of phraseology and phraseological scholarship is provided in Section 2. On this basis, Section 3 approaches historical phraseology in two consecutive steps – always paying special regard to English: a brief overview of the state of historical phraseology leads to major approaches, which establish the main procedure in Sections 4 to 6. In Section 4, the role of metalinguistic sources for historical phraseology is pointed out, especially with relation to the identification of phraseological units in historical texts. Theories of the origin, rise, and kinds of change of phraseological units as well as the employment of English phraseological units in literary texts are the subjects of Section 5. While Section 5 is thus concerned with change in the phraseological system over time, Section 6, vice versa, finishes off the article with an outlook on the influence of frequent word combinations and phraseology on language change in a broader perspective.enghistorical phraseologyidiomsEnglishphraseologyLinguistic Levels: Idioms and fixed expressionsbookpart