Mbonu, CarolineCarolineMbonu2024-02-052024-02-052023978-3-86309-963-3https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/93215Theological discourse in Africa has been less than liberating for women because of its transient attention to feminine sensibilities. Indeed, the paucity of African women’s voices in theological debate exasperates the situation. But a hand full of African women theologians continue to interrogate the abnormality by proposing theologies that embrace all of life, those of women and men alike. This essay, which celebrates the theological thoughts of a West African woman theologian, Sister Professor Teresa Okure, SHCJ, represents one such remedial approach. The paper discusses the theological contributions of this West African theology matriarch in the light of her hermeneutics grounded in a contextual approach to biblical studies. Teresa’s work exposes strong theological ideas women bring to the praxis of theology, particularly in Africa. Her brilliant contributions to theology in West Africa through the contextual and feminist rendering of the biblical text offer an interpretative framework for reading and re-reading the Bible amidst the voices that shut off the marginated and tend to empty Scripture of its redemptive character. This essay explores the cultural and religious context that motivated Teresa’s work, and her adept knowledge of Scripture, sources which enriched the quality of her interrogating a variety of life-giving and life-denying circumstances in the Nigerian context, primarily for the purpose of the abundant life for all (John 10:10). Teresa’s hermeneutical approach questions and reassesses received androcentric interpretations, with leanings which leaves little room for women’s appropriation of the full import of the Word Incarnate. Teresa Okure’s hermeneutic of life which echoes inclusiveness, in a special manner contributes to the quest for renewal of life in Africa and the World Church beleaguered with gender disparity.engTeresa OkureFeminist TheologianHermeneutic of lifecontextualabundant230To Cast Fire Upon the Earth (Luke 12:8-12) : An Appraisal of Teresa Okure’s Biblical Hermeneutics in a Nigerian Contextbookpart