Chitando, EzraEzraChitandoGunda, Masiiwa RagiesMasiiwa RagiesGundaKügler, JoachimJoachimKügler0000-0002-8504-7742Chitando, EzraGunda, Masiiwa RagiesKügler, Joachim2019-09-192014-04-072013978-3-86309-198-9978-3-86309-199-6 12 examines the phenomenon of prophets and prophecy in contemporary Zimbabwe. By applying insights from biblical studies and other approaches, the volume sheds light on how this contentious phenomenon has been discussed in the Zimbabwean context. The different chapters highlight the role of the Bible, gender, media, literature and other perspectives have influenced attitudes towards prophets and prophecy in Zimbabwe. While the phenomenon has been principally associated with the new wave of Pentecostalism, it remains critical to appreciate pre-existing attitudes towards prophets from African Initiated Churches (AICs), as well as traditional healers in African Indigenous Religions (AIRs). Contributors to this volume have explored the complexities that characterize prophets and prophecy. The volume is of interest to scholars in biblical studies, theology, religious studies, political science, anthropology, philosophy and other disciplines. General readers, church leaders and civil society activists will also find the chapters in this volume valuable.engPentecostalismZimbabweBiblical StudiesAfrican Traditional ReligionAfrican Initiated Church200230PROPHETS, PROFITS AND THE BIBLE IN ZIMBABWE : Festschrift for AYNOS MASOTCHA MOYObookurn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus4-55996