Höttger, RobertRobertHöttger2023-05-052023-05-052019978-3-86309-662-5https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/58600With the year 2018, modern cars are driven by sophisticated software interconnected via a heterogeneous Electronic Control Unit (ECU) network that consists of a huge amount of sensors, actuators, processing units, interfaces, gateways etc. Having the evolution towards autonomous driving, electrification, and vast cloud incorporation in mind, questions arise regarding safety, security, intellectual property, open source, standardization, data governance and more. This paper outlines some of those upcoming questions, derives challenges and proposes possible solutions. Such solutions are driven by the ITEA3 project APPSTACLE1 and its Eclipse project namely Kuksa.engAutomotiveKuksaInternet of Things, IoTCloudCloud ComputingEclipse Kuksa640330Why Open Source is Driving the Future Connected Vehicleconferenceobject