Fischer, DianaDianaFischer0000-0002-5968-1299Eismann, KathrinKathrinEismann0000-0001-5925-7271Fischbach, KaiKaiFischbach0000-0001-5721-53692019-09-192016-12-072016978-0-9966831-3-5 terrorist attacks and several terror alerts have increased the need to investigate the behavioral consequences of these threats. This research-in-progress paper focuses on the motivational factors determining usage behavior of social network sites (SNS) in the aftermath of terrorist attacks. Based on terror management theory (TMT) and uses and gratifications theory (U&G), this paper argues that people reminded of their mortality by terrorist attacks are motivated to seek information and communicate about the attacks on SNS to defend their cultural worldviews and maintain their self-esteem. The paper contributes to the understanding of factors driving people’s usage behavior of SNS in the aftermath of terrorist attacks.engUsage Behavior of Social Network Sites in the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacksconferenceobject