Glässner, Thilo MaximilianThilo MaximilianGlässnerHeumann, FlorianFlorianHeumannKeßler, LucaLucaKeßlerHärer, FelixFelixHärerSteffan, AndreasAndreasSteffanFill, Hans-GeorgHans-GeorgFillBork, DominikKaragiannis, DimitrisVanthienen, Jan2019-09-192017-12-1120171613-0073 attaining the vision of a wide-spread use of enterprise modeling in everyday business practices, the underlying modeling methods need to be easily accessible. Therefore, open implementations of these modeling methods are required that can be modified and extended as needed. At the same time, such open implementations must provide a sufficiently advanced level to be adequate for practical usage. In this paper, we report on experiences gained from the implementation of the SERM modeling approach on the ADOxx meta modeling platform in a student project. We derive guidelines for teachers and students who want to engage in similar projects and discuss implications for future research.engdata modelingmeta modelingmodeling toolSQLExperiences from the Implementation of a Structured-Entity-Relationship Modeling Method in a Student Projectconferenceobject