Costa, JanaJanaCosta0000-0002-9470-365XFranz, SebastianSebastianFranz0000-0002-9425-4196Menge, ClaudiaClaudiaMenge2023-08-082023-08-082023 stay abroad is expected to help teachers to improve their intercultural competence and, thus, their teaching of multicultural classes. Based on a sample of n = 1860 teachers at different stages of their early career in Germany, the study analyzes the different forms of stays abroad during teacher education and their relation to cultural beliefs and self-efficacy. The analyses show that sociodemographic and individual characteristics such as gender, academic and migration background are not significantly associated with the probability of going abroad. Overall, significant relations were demonstrated between stays abroad and multicultural and egalitarian beliefs and self-efficacy in teaching multicultural classes.engTeacher educationTeacher beliefsSelf-efficacyMulticultural classesDiversityStays abroad370Stays abroad of pre-service teachers and their relation to teachers' beliefs about cultural diversity in classroomsarticleurn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-600194