Schoor, CorneliaCorneliaSchoor0000-0002-6820-2851Narciss, SusanneSusanneNarcissKörndle, HermannHermannKörndle2019-09-192015-06-0820150046-1520 article reviews the terms and concepts that have been used for describing regulation of learning during cooperative and collaborative learning and suggests differentiating them on the basis of which parts of a regulatory feedback loop model are being shared. During cooperative and collaborative learning, not only self-regulation but also the regulation of the group process is important. This regulation might occur on both an individual level and a social level. Several modes of regulation have been identified, but the terms used for them vary tremendously—including social regulation, socially shared regulation, coregulation, and other-regulation. This article seeks to clarify the diverse terminology. To this end, we use a theoretical framework based on Winne and Hadwin's (1998) model of self-regulated learning to analyze how the different terms are used in the literature. We make and exemplify suggestions for a consistent usage of terms.engself-regulated learning, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, regulation of learning, socially shared regulation, co-regulation, other-regulation, social regulationRegulation During Cooperative and Collaborative Learning : A Theory-Based Review of Terms and Conceptsarticle10.1080/00461520.2015.1038540