Mayerhoffer, Daniel M.Daniel M.Mayerhoffer0000-0001-8841-407X2023-03-282023-03-282023 Dissertation, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2022The doctoral thesis argues that such transfer of the structure of an Agent-Based-Model from one real world application to another is indeed possible by means of story adaptation to the new application case. If successful, the transfer benefits research in two ways: (I) It improves efficiency for modellers and readers alike; (II) it can reveal structural similarity between these cases and help to assess the extent of this structural similarity. Therefore, structure transfer is no mere auxiliary to Agent-Based Modelling but an independent scientific endeavour. However, such endeavour may also fail or mislead in the sense that an identified structural similarity between two modelled situations does not exist. Hence, model structure transfer requires a careful execution.engAgent-Based-ModellingComputational Social Sciencetemplate transfercomplexityvalidation320One Model, Multiple Stories? Using Agent-Based Models to Unveil Structural Similarities in a Complex Worlddoctoralthesisurn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-585782