Lehtonen, MikkoMikkoLehtonenStaake, ThorstenThorstenStaakeMichahelles, FlorianFlorianMichahellesFleisch, ElgarElgarFleisch2019-09-192014-04-232008978-3-540-71641-9https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/3195In this paper, we investigate how RFID and NFC could improve current customs processes to fight illicit trade. During the import process, customs officers have to evaluate which consignments are inspected and, when an inspection takes place, whether intellectual property rights have been infringed. We propose and evaluate new micro processes that leverage the dualexistence of products and logistic units in order to enable easier, faster and more reliable inspection of goods. The impact of the improved processes is analyzed with an example case.engThe Potential of RFID and NFC in Anti-Counterfeitingbookpart10.1007/978-3-540-71641-9_11http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-71641-9_11