Mwandayi, CanisiusCanisiusMwandayiKügler, Joachim2019-09-192011-09-272011978-3-86309-029-6978-3-86309-030-2 Bayreuth, Univ., Diss., 2011 Canisius Mwandayi. Loch, Irene ; Kügler, Joachim (Textformatierung)This volume is a passed PhD thesis handed at Universität Bayreuth, Germany. The author examines burial customs and rituals among the Shona and sees a definite pattern comparable to the Judeo-Christian practices. He contends that these practices among the Shona were a preparation for the Gospel of Christ or ‘preparatio evangelica’ as Vatican II would identify this phenomenon. He laments the fact that the early Missionaries did not make full use of this preparation which would have laid the foundation for the fullness of the Gospel message they brought. On the contrary, some Missionaries sought to destroy the foundation instead of building on it, a temptation which lingers to this day, given the different conceptions of these customs and rituals by different theologians and evangelizers. The author argues strongly and with conviction in favour of the foundation for Christian evangelization, which tradition has already put in place, as embodied in the death and after life rituals among the Shona. Given the controversy concerning the rituals among some, the author assumes a Christ-like approach, who asks his disciples, ‘Who do you say I am’ (Mk.8:29). Individuals and communities will respond to this question in unique ways and should not be coerced. Jesus does not coerce his disciples but invites them to respond in love. He leaves them to mature in the faith until he can challenge Peter saying, ‘Do you love me more than these?’ (Jn.21:15). The author embarks on a similar loving process of affirmation and positive critical analysis in the hope that the past will help propel the Shona into the present and future of Christ. The author charts a new and interesting way of reading Scripture in the light of the Shona death and after life rituals.Der Band analysiert die Probleme im Umfeld der Integration von Schona-Bestattungstraditionen in christliche Kirchen, inbesondere in die katholische Kirche in Simbabwe.engInkulturationstheologie, Schona, BestattungInculturation, Zimbabwe, Shona, Funeral ritual, African Traditional ReligionInkulturationstheologieSchonaBestattungInculturationZimbabweShonaFuneral ritualAfrican Traditional Religion200Death and After-life Rituals in the eyes of the Shona : Dialogue with Shona Customs in the Quest for Authentic Inculturationbookurn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus-3336