Schüßlbauer, AnnikaAnnikaSchüßlbauer0000-0001-9478-7438Kohnke, OliverOliverKohnkeBurger, Axel M.Axel M.Burger2021-11-112021-11-112021 examined how change management interventions influence employees’ affective and (abstract versus concrete) cognitive reactions and how these reactions are in turn associated with change readiness. In addition, we analyzed whether the association of change readiness with these reactions varies depending on the temporal distance to the implementation of a change. Findings provide evidence for the assumed mediation models but not for the moderating role of temporal distance.engchange readinessconstrual level theoryfeelings-as-information theory330150The Effect of Affective and Cognitive Reactions on Change Readiness over Timeconferenceobjecturn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-511965