Hoffmann-Lange, UrsulaUrsulaHoffmann-Lange0000-0001-6107-751X2019-09-192013-10-182012978-5-9971-0216-6https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/1239The paper argues that without a broad elite consensus on democratic institutions and practices new democracies remain fragile. The paper will study if and how support for democracy in the general population is associated with the degree of elite consensus on democratic values and procedures across party lines.engvalues, democracies, elites, masses, political legitimacyValue Orientations and Support for Democracy Among Elites and Mass Publics in Old and New Democraciesbookparthttp://saopaulo2011.ipsa.org/sites/saopaulo2011.ipsa.org/files/papers/paper-653.pdf