Pedone, MicheleMichelePedone2022-07-152022-07-152022978-88-6887-122-2 brief essay focuses on the epiphenomena of Latin, Greek and Egyptian multi-lingualism attested by P.Cair.Masp. III 67329, a record of court proceedings written in Antaiopolis in AD 524, found in the nearby village of Aphrodito and belonging to the well-known Archive of Dioscorus. A graphic feature of the papyrus, the presence of the Egyptian letter Hori in a toponym, provides a material clue of the complex linguistic and educational background of the clerks of the judicial officia in High Egypt in the 6th century AD.engMultilingualismProzessprotokolle930Small Remarks on Latin-Greek-Egyptian Multilingualism in a Late Record of Court Proceedings from Aphroditobookpart10.6093/978-88-6887-122-2