Eisenhardt, MartinMartinEisenhardtMüller, WolfgangWolfgangMüllerHenrich, AndreasAndreasHenrich0000-0002-5074-3254Blank, DanielDanielBlankEl Allali, SoufyaneSoufyaneEl Allali2019-09-192014-09-242006https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/16359Included in the proceedings are papers presented in the following workshops and special tracks: IEEE-MIPR 2005 - 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval, IEEE- WMoW 2005 - 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies over Wireless Networks, IEEE-MultiSec 2005 - 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Security and Pervasive Multimedia Environments, special track: Advances in Digital Audio Processing with Applications in Multimedia SystemsdeuClustering-Based Source Selection for Efficient Image Retrieval in Peer- to-Peer Networksconferenceobject10.1109/ISM.2006.47https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4061266