Müller, LeaLeaMüller0000-0002-6607-0517Mattke, JensJensMattkeMaier, ChristianChristianMaier0000-0001-8328-2493Weitzel, TimTimWeitzel0000-0002-2130-35402019-09-192017-12-132017https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/42995Mobile marketing investment continues to rise steadily even though online publishers have not realized the desired returns, due to increased use of mobile ad blockers. In this study, we take a mixed methods approach, embracing qualitative, quantitative and configurational approaches, to understand why individuals switch to using mobile ad blockers. We draw on the pull-push-mooring model to evaluate what configurations of pull, push and mooring factors influence individuals' decision to switch to using mobile ad blockers, identifying four distinct configurations of influencing factors resulting in the intention to switch. Furthermore, we specify the unequal effects of influencing factors and validate the quality of our results. Our research deepens the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of switching to mobile ad blockers and provides valuable implications to online publishers facing the challenge of rising mobile ad blocker use.engThe Curse of Mobile Marketing : A Mixed Methods Study on Individuals' Switch to Mobile Ad Blockersconferenceobjecthttp://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2017/EBusiness/Presentations/13/