Joseph, Esther OjoneEsther OjoneJoseph2024-02-052024-02-052023978-3-86309-963-3 accentuations have placed feminist agitations on the front burner in various climes. In this regard, African feminists have carved a niche for rereading and re-interpreting the cultural and religious perception of African women, as a distinct enterprise. Within this space, Professor Isiramen evolves some philosophical-theological propositions in her logical discourses on the authentic humanization of African women. The paper interrogates Isiramen’s unique penning as an African feminist philosopher. This study relies on answers to the following questions: (1) What are the cultural/religious practices that inspire her studies? (2) What are the ingredients that make up her philosophical-theological propositions for the liberation of African women? (3) How did she galvanize her philosophical-theological propositions into a unique model for African women liberation? The responses to these quizzes and more provide the necessary justification for flaunting Celestina Omoso Isiramen as an astute African Philosopher in the vanguard of African feminist theologians.engAfrican womenCelestina IsiramenChristocentric humanizationCultural-religious beliefsFeminist theology and Philosophical-theological230African Feminists’ Trajectories as Reflected in the Philosophical-Theological Contemplations of Celestina Omoso Isiramenbookpart