Buettner, RicardoRicardoBuettnerSauer, SebastianSebastianSauerMaier, ChristianChristianMaier0000-0001-8328-2493Eckhardt, AndreasAndreasEckhardt2019-09-192015-02-182015978-1-4799-7367-5https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/21296We propose a methodology of an ex ante prediction of users' performance based on analyzing the pupillary diameter variability captured by ordinary eye-tracking systems. Based on a realistic large-scale experimental evaluation of our methodology we show promising results that pave the way for a dynamic real-time adaption of IT to the user's mental effort and the expected user performance. Our non-invasive contact-free methodology can be applied cost-efficiently both in research and practical environments, without disturbing the participant/user.engTowards ex ante Prediction of User Performance : A novel NeuroIS Methodology based on Real-Time Measurement of Mental Effortconferenceobjecthttp://conferences.computer.org/hicss/2015/papers/7367a533.pdfhttp://conferences.computer.org/hicss/2015