Heyder, TeresaTeresaHeyderPasslack, NinaNinaPasslack0000-0002-2784-7645Posegga, OliverOliverPosegga0000-0003-4552-30272023-10-192023-10-1920230963-86871873-1198https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/91326AI-based technologies have changed the nature of the symbiosis between humans and AI, and so strategic management of human-AI interaction in organizations requires deeper ethical considerations. Aligning AI with human values requires a systematic understanding of the ethical management of human-AI interaction. We conduct a theoretical review, from a sociotechnical perspective, and analyze ethical management of human-AI interaction through the lens of sociomateriality. Our systematic approach helps explain and clarify the interdependencies between two ethical perspectives – duty and virtue ethics – in sociotechnical systems. We also provide a theoretical framework that leads to seven avenues for future research.engArtificial intelligenceEthicsHuman-AI interactionTheoretical reviewSociomateriality004Ethical management of human-AI interaction : Theory development reviewarticle10.1016/j.jsis.2023.101772